Social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ have become everyday aspects of our lives. According to recent statistics, over 3 billion people access the Internet daily through these services. This number continues to rise at a rapid pace. The following are the technologies.
Radio Frequency Identification Tags
A radio frequency identification (RFID) tag is an object that can be attached or embedded in another object, which contains data about the tagged object and casinoclic.com/fr/, in this case, the product is tracked. An RFID reader is used to detect and read the unique electronic identification codes on tags using electromagnetic energy, usually transmitted via radio waves from an external source. The technology has been adopted for tracking various objects such as goods, animals, vehicles on roads and in the sea and many more.

Radiofrequency identification technologies are often called automatic identification techniques or area identification systems because they provide information about the position of objects being tracked. A basic structure of a product having an RFID tag is shown in FIG. 1.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine learning or cognitive computing, is intelligence exhibited by machines and some other systems possessing artificial minds. AI research involves designing intelligent agents with human-like capabilities, including the ability to learn, reason abstractly, understand natural language, plan tasks, solve problems, make decisions, communicate, interact socially, etc.

It may refer to the study of how to give computers the capacity to do what would otherwise require intervention by humans e.g., playing chess against grandmasters, navigating robots through unknown environments, speech recognition, handwriting recognition, translation of languages, understanding images/videos, facial analysis, text analysis, planning of tasks, prediction of future events, etc. In most applications, it also refers to the practice of using software/hardware systems to simulate the functions of the brain, such as thought processes, memory processing, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, emotional response, motor control, learning, development of skills, etc.
The term “blockchain” first came into use around 2010, when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, a new form of digital currency that uses cryptography to secure their transactions and verify them without relying on third parties or banks. Since then, blockchain has gained widespread attention due to its potential ability to address major issues in the financial sector.
As described above, blockchain is based on distributed consensus protocols that enable a network of nodes (commonly referred to as peers) to agree upon a single sequence of events without the need for a central authority. Blockchain’s consensus process is decentralized—a peer will not block an event simply because all other peers have done so. Rather, each peer must independently decide whether to accept or refute the proposed transaction.
In conclusion, these are the types of technologies driving the future of social media.